6 FEB 2019
Travelling abroad alone?
Are you preparing your trip to do an internship abroad?
Sometimes ERASMUS+ beneficiaries travel alone, out of the usual school groups that go all together with an accompanying school tutor.
Some of your main fears could be: problems of adaptation to the new country, lack of language skills and, therefore, problems of communication, accommodation etc. However, travelling alone has also positive outcomes. You will learn quickly the target language, you will meet new people and, most of all, you will improve yourself as an independent person able to survive alone.
Our advice.-
Try to look for a shared flat with local students or with a native family. Family stay in the country of destination has many benefits:
- You will be able to practise the target language every day;
- You will learn about the local culture and their citizens’ habits;
- Being integrated within a local family will help you to understand their traditions and, consequently, you will adapt to the new context quickly.
- Erasmus Student Network (ESN of the city of destination).
- Local ERASMUS+ Intermediary Organizations.
- Local University Service for students’ accommodation.
- Other websites also offer rooms in shared flats like Airbnb but this type of accommodation tends to be more expensive as they are focused on tourist guests.
Good luck for this new challenge!